Pricing Guidelines
Commercial Drone Services (CDS) has an hourly rate for most jobs. The applicable rate depends on the complexity of the work. There is also a rate for travel time to, from, and between job sites (if more than one). Jobs spanning more than one day are charged at a reduced “daily rate” fee, for a standard 8-hour day, with an hourly rate that applies after 8 hours. Likewise, there is also a “weekly rate” fee.
If you have a requirement for a “standard” job that comes up on a regular basis, we are more than happy to work out a “standard” job rate, once we have had a chance to do two or three of these jobs, to enable us to figure out what’s involved.
Jobs requiring more expensive or complicated equipment and/or higher certifications and/or CASA approvals, are charged at a rate reflecting the equipment, certifications and approvals involved!
Our rates exclude any additional fees for necessary permits, accommodation (if required), or any other third-party charges directly incurred. These will be directly on-billed to the client. Please call us to discuss your requirements, for more accurate pricing.
When discussing pricing, please bear in mind that the cost of doing a job with a drone is often a tiny percentage of the cost of doing the job an alternative way. This is especially true if the existing method of doing the job involves use of a helicopter, fixed wing airplane, scaffolding, or traditional survey methods. If this is the case, the cost-justification for using drones should be very easy to establish.