Commercial Drone Services Pty Ltd (formerly Commercial Drone Services Australia) is in the business of delivering outcomes to you that only unmanned aerial platforms (commonly called drones) can provide. We pride ourselves on delivering quality services at a value price, whilst maintaining an impeccable safety record!
Commercial Drone Services (CDS) is specifically focussed on providing inspection (visual / thermal) and surveying / mapping / 3D modelling services to commercial, industrial and government clients. CDS has an extremely high level of capability, across a broad range of sectors (See "Services"). However, since there are so many niche applications, and the leading edge of technology in this area is evolving so rapidly, CDS has adopted a “Best of Breed” partner model. This gives us more reach into those niche applications, and broader geographic coverage, than any one single company could possibly hope to achieve by itself. See our “Partner Network” section, for more details.
Commercial Drone Services is also very excited to announce an exclusive, world-first offering; Drone-as-a-Service! Drone-as-a-Service allows anyone, anywhere, to direct and control a drone in flight, by real-time low-latency streaming of the drone’s camera feed to the user, combined with two-way audio with the pilot in command of the drone. This has numerous applications in the inspection and entertainment sectors, and possibly many more, for when you can’t be there yourself in person!
Commercial Drone Services also has all the necessary permits, equipment, and experience to safely provide drone operations from elevated bases, such as rooftops. This offers huge logistical advantages by making it easier to meet some of CASA’s mandatory drone safety rules, especially when operating in areas with nearby pedestrian / vehicle traffic, or limited outdoor space. In 99% of cases, it costs nothing to get onto a roof, and it is always safer flying a drone from a roof where you can see all obstacles first-hand, than operating a drone from the ground with limited visibility. Remember, companies that tell you it is cheaper and safer to use a drone from the ground for all work, are actually saying this only because they don't have the permits, equipment and experience to work from rooftops themselves! See Spirit Telecom’s case study, and the “Elevated Base Operations” part of the "Services" section.
We offer a wide range of services, and are happy to look at all potential projects on a no-obligation basis. Once assessed, we will supply an honest opinion about what we can realistically deliver, or even whether we think some-one else may be better suited to the job.